
Lock Pulling

Lock Pulling Forcible Entry Tools

  • Fire Hooks Unlimited R-Tool
  • J-Rod Rex Tool
  • Lil Rex Lock Pulling Tool
  • Rex Lock Pulling Forcible Entry Tool
  • S&D Rex Tool
  • Shove Knife
  • Fire Hooks Unlimited J-Hook Door Opener

    J-Hook Door Opener

    J-Hook Door Opener Fire Hooks Unlimited Designed for forcible entry, The J-Hook opens the double panic doors often found in schools, theaters and stores. The J-hook works from the exterior to open the push bar found on the inside of double doors by...

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  • Shove Knife with sleeve Shove Knife

    Shove Knife (Pack of 10)

    Shove Knife (pack of 10) Small but mighty the shove knife is a forcible entry tool typically used to release the locking mechanism on outward and inward swinging doors. 6" long steel with an indented end and protective sleeve for when not in use. This...

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  • S&D Rex tool

    S&D Rex Tool

    S&D Rex Tool Fire Hooks Unlimited   The Fire Hooks S&D Rex Tool features two lock pulling heads. The Rex Tool on one end and the Truckman's tool on the other. Between the two heads, you can remove just about any commercial or residential...

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  • J-Rod Rex Lock Pulling Tool

    J-Rod Rex Tool

    Fire Hooks Unlimited J-Rod Rex Tool The J-Rod Rex tool is a lock pulling tool on one end with a penetrating spike and an A-type lock puller at the other end. Ideal for close quarter striking service. End one: A modified Rex Tool, complete with...

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  • R-Tool lock pulling set

    Fire Hooks Unlimited: R-Tool

    Fire Hooks Unlimited R-tool Lock Puller An R-Tool is a forcible entry tool used by firefighters to pull lock cylinders that are too large for the K-Tool1. The R-Tool can also pull the same cylinders as the K-Tool in most cases1. The R-Tool kit...

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  • Fire Hooks Rex Tool

    Rex Lock Pulling Forcible Entry Tool

    Fire Hooks Unlimited Rex Locking Pulling Tool. In order to gain entry a lot of times a firefighter has to remove a lock. In order to minimize damage a lock cylinder pulling tool is a great tool to have on hand. The Rex Tool is a lock pulling tool,...

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  • Fire Hooks Lil Rex Lock Puller Lil Rex, Key and Leather Sheath

    Lil Rex Lock Pulling Tool

    Fire Hooks Lil Rex Tool The Lil Rex is a pocket sized lock pulling tool complete with leather carry case and entry keys. The Lil Rex offers the same lock pulling head as the REX tool but without the pry bar. You can just carry it in your pocket until...

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